Open Innovation Factory 2023: Boosting entrepreneurship for a strong digital Europe

  • Action type: EIT Digital "Open Innovation Factory 2023" programme
  • Opening date: 31 March 2023
  • Closing time: 13 November 2023 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
  • Budget per project: € 400 000
  • Project duration: 6 months
  • Official website


The Open Innovation Factory 2023 program is looking for world-class digital DeepTech Activities developed by corporates, research and technology organisations and/or universities, together with early-stage ventures that have demonstrated market and investor traction and can leverage the program to boost their growth even further.

The EIT Digital Open Innovation Factory provides:

  • EIT Digital financial support (up to 400K Euro)
  • Support in attracting follow-up investors and customers
  • Mentoring & Coaching  
  • Access to 350+ partners from EIT Digital’s innovation ecosystem across Europe (from business and industry, research and academia, investment, and the public sector)

The work programme is guided by the five focus areas – Digital Tech, Digital Industry, Digital Cities, Digital Wellbeing and Digital Finance – of the EIT Digital Strategic Innovation Agenda 2022-2024.

The Open Innovation Factory 2023 program supports pan-European entrepreneurial teams from education, research, corporates and other business organizations in boosting early-stage digital DeepTech1 ventures. All proposals need to be submitted by a team of two to four EIT Digital partners from at least two different European countries, including one early-stage venture, who are ready to collaborate intensively for 6 months on a joint plan to develop an innovative product or service and/or gain market traction.

A strong Innovation Activity proposal will demonstrate:

  • Problem/Solution: A specific solution for a relevant business pain that can create or disrupt markets and that is aligned with EIT Digital’s focus areas.
  • Market impact/customers: To achieve the claimed market impact during the activity’s timeframe.
  • Venture team: The quality of the team and its commitment to the venture are key in order to prove the capacity of the venture to scale.
  • Financial planning: Resources needed to execute the workplan. Additional financial support by third parties (investors, partners, etc…) is considered a plus.

Accepted proposals will start immediately after the results of the selection process are published.


Applicants can submit their proposals any time throughout 2023, which will be evaluated in 2 pre-defined cut-off dates (May 15, and November 13, 2023) for evaluation.

Organisations that are not yet Partners of EIT Digital are expected to submit their applications for partnership latest at the moment of submission of the proposal. Please see partnership models for more information about becoming an EIT Digital Partner and provide the information via the questionnaire for new organisations. This will put you in contact with the relevant EIT Digital Node. You will then receive a Partner ID that is required to access to the EIT Digital Intranet page and its proposal submission system. It is highly recommended to get in contact with EIT Digital staff before the submission date to ensure a clear understanding of the partnership requirements.

EIT Digital can support you in finding complementary partners to complete the team.


New project idea for: Open Innovation Factory 2023: Boosting entrepreneurship for a strong digital Europe

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Please select your institution from the list of Time Machine members. Only members are eligible for participation.

Please add a short description for your institution so potential partners are aware of the context of the application. The limit is 3000 characters.

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