Virtual Lab on the Collection and Commercialization of digital tools for Citizen education in Cultural Heritage
Runtime: 01.07.2022 – 30.06.2024
Project Number: 101060350
Project partners: Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Coordinator), Time Machine Organisation (TMO), ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research, Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV), META Group

C4Education makes an appeal to stakeholders and companies in the digital, audiovisual and cultural sectors in Europe. Through the composition of the consortium with two international associations with more than 500 institutional members from the cultural heritage, education and research sector including GLAM institutions, SMEs, etc. as well as the innovative Dutch Institute for Media Culture “Sound and Vision”, the project under the direction of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena promises a high international reach and resonance.
Background and Motivation
Small and medium-sized enterprises in the audiovisual and cultural sector face different challenges that the project aims to address:
- Limited visibility and outreach
- Lack of affordable and ready-to-use digital applications that can be used and individually adapted without extensive specialist knowledge
- Lack of sources of revenue
- Lack of a training platform covering the needs of companies in the field of digital, audiovisual and cultural heritage
C4Education now aims to develop a virtual laboratory for digital tools for (further) education in the field of cultural heritage. This includes a collection of digital applications for the interested public, such as museum applications, city guides or virtual exhibitions, as well as the development of a strategy for long-term usability and commercialization.
Planned project outcomes
- A digital platform consisting of a marketplace for applications including accreditation criteria and sales models and a corresponding training platform including self-directed tutorials and webinars
- A range of high-quality, concrete demo applications and
- A business model to ensure sustainable operation and long-term growth of the C4Education laboratory.
This platform will initially be developed to meet the requirements of the demo applications, but will subsequently be expanded in the long term for broader and cross-industry stakeholders and target groups.
Objectives of the project
- Facilitating the uptake of technological and digital innovations in the cultural, creative and audiovisual sectors for GLAM institutions, SMEs and industrial actors.
- Exploring and implementing cross-sectoral hybridisation and cooperation pathways between cultural heritage and audiovisual sectors.
- Presentation of concrete ways and means for the introduction of digital and innovative tools and support in implementation and application.
- Promote innovative tools, methodologies, access and dissemination of customized educational and cultural heritage information.
- Development of new user groups through audience development, outreach models and activities, especially targeted at younger and older generations.
- Increase the visibility of and engagement with European cultural heritage through increased use of digital tools and applications.
Visit the project website for more details.
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