Conference on Language & Language Data

Call for Papers – CLARC 2023

The Center for Language Research of our partner, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Rijeka, Croatia, calls for participation in the international scientific conference “Language and Language Data” planned to be held from 28-30 September 2023 in Rijeka.

The organisers invite the submission of abstract proposals for individual papers and panels, seeking quality, unpublished papers that address the empirical, theoretical, and/or methodological aspects of research focusing on the topics concerning the relationship between language and language data.

Deadline for the submission is 31 July 2023.

Topics and Themes

Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing; ML and AI

  1. Machine learning and Deep learning for NLP
  2. Application of Large Language Models for analysis of linguistic data
  3. Sentiment analysis in social media
  4. Named entity recognition and classification
  5. Question answering systems
  6. Dialogue systems, AI assistants and chatbots
  7. Text generation and summarization
  8. Automatic speech recognition and synthesis
  9. Methods and techniques for digital knowledge management
  10. Common infrastructure for language data processing
  11. Digital Techniques for Text Visualization

Corpus Linguistics

  1. Corpus design and annotation
  2. Corpus-based lexical and grammatical analysis
  3. Corpus-based contrastive linguistics
  4. Corpus-based pragmatics
  5. Corpus-based discourse analysis
  6. Corpus-based studies of language change
  7. Digitalization of Philological Manuscripts

Language and Cultural Studies

  1. Language and identity
  2. The role of language data in cultural transmission
  3. The relationship between language data and power
  4. Code-switching and language alternation
  5. The representation of linguistic and cultural diversity in media
  6. Critical discourse analysis of media narratives

Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics, Neurolinguistics

  1. The role of language data in understanding different types of language acquisition
  2. The role of language data in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics
  3. Methods for collecting and analysing data in language acquisition, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics
  4. Empirical studies in language acquisition, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics

Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, and Discourse Analysis

  1. Multilingualism and language contact
  2. Methods and techniques for digital text analysis
  3. Methods of analyisng language attitudes and stereotypes, politeness and impoliteness, discourse markers
  4. Conversational analysis and turn-taking
  5. Methods of analyisng language attitudes and stereotypes, politeness and impoliteness, discourse markers
  6. Speech acts and performatives

Phonetics, Phonology, Morphology, Syntax

  1. The role of language data in phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax
  2. Methods for collecting and analysing data in phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax
  3. Methods for collecting and analysing data in language acquisition, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics
  4. Empirical studies in phonetics, phonology, morphology and syntax

Language Data and its Legal and Economic Implications

  1. Intellectual property rights and language data
  2. Data privacy and language data
  3. The commercial use of language data
  4. The ethics of language data collection and analysis
  5. The role of language data in trade and commerce
  6. The economic impact of language technology

The Intersection of Language and Tourism

  1. Language planning for tourism destinations
  2. The use of language technology in tourism
  3. Intercultural communication in tourism
  4. The impact of language on tourist experiences
  5. Marketing and promoting tourist destinations through language
  6. The role of language in cultural heritage tourism.

Medicine and Public Health

  1. Medical terminology and language use in healthcare
  2. Cross-cultural communication in healthcare
  3. Health literacy and patient communication
  4. The language of health promotion and disease prevention
  5. The use of language technology in healthcare
  6. Discourse analysis of medical and public health debates.

Find out more about the submission of abstracts, registration fees and the conference in general here: