5Dculture project presentations

CHNT 29 – Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies

Date: 4-6 November 2024
Venue: Vienna, City Hall and online
Tickets: available here

2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the Charter of Venice. This document is considered a milestone in the development of a modern understanding of cultural heritage. It has helped to shape the practice of heritage conservation in the last six decades. A lot of developments have taken place, new challenges and threats to heritage have arisen as have new technologies that help to document, research, manage and valorise our cultural heritage. The discussion and dissemination of these technologies has been the mission of CHNT (Cultural Heritage and New Technologies) from its inception.

Staying true to this mission, CHNT offers a platform for a productive exchange of ideas. CHNT 29 aims to break new ground by leaving the theme of the conference open to ideas on all challenges, ideas and tasks that lie ahead of us in 2024. These include the areas of inventory, research, documentation, conservation, management and dissemination.

Conference Programme – 5Dculture Project

This years programme is again filled with interesting presentations from all over the world – see full programme below – but we would like to point out one specific part: the panel session “Heritage Reloaded: Innovative Reuse of 3D Cultural Content” featuring our 5Dculture project on 6 November 2024.

The project team will present the outcomes of the 2-year efforts, showcasing how 3D digital cultural heritage content is being reimagined and reused across Europe.

Highlights of the 5Dculture project panel:

  • Fashion Collections: Experience virtual try-ons and social VR that bring historical garments to life.
  • Archaeology: Discover how 3D artifacts enhance educational activities and make heritage accessible to diverse audiences.
  • Historic Buildings & Cityscapes: Virtually explore Europe’s architectural wonders, with applications for research, tourism, and education.

Also, be warmly invited to check out highlights from the 5Dculture project on a dedicated YouTube channel for an inside look at how 3D digital heritage is being transformed and reimagined across Europe!