Workshop at the 31st ACM Multimedia

SUMAC 2023 – workshop within the ACM Multimedia Conference

Date: 29 October – 03 November 2023 (tba)
Venue: Ottawa (CAN)
Deadline for the Submission of Papers: 24 July 2023

The fifth version of the SUMAC (analySis, Understanding and proMotion of heritAge Contents) workshop, like its predecessors, focuses on analyzing, processing and valorizing all types of data related to cultural heritage, including tangible and intangible heritage. It will be held in conjunction with the 31st ACM Multimedia International Conference in Ottawa, Canada.

Aims and Scope

As stated by UNESCO, cultural heritage provides societies with a wealth of resources inherited from the past, created in the present for the benefit of future generations.

Digital heritage data acquired are naturally massive and address a large diversity of modalities (iconography, text, structured referentials, image, video, 3D, music, sensor data). Their processing and promotion put into light several scientific challenges as well as various new use cases that are of topical interest today for the ACM Multimedia community, both for academics and industries. Like in the previous editions, we will strive to value the sharing of knowledge, algorithms and experiments; and also open source software and open data, by encouraging the submission of articles that promote this sharing policy.

Abundant heritage data is available in the most recent years. Older data, that can be called the big data of the past, are mostly locked – they currently remain largely “hidden” from the public, in galleries, libraries, archives, museums or data producers’ infrastructures. Processing heritage data to increase their visibility will act as a game changer and contribute to a large panel of communities, by enabling an outstanding pool of inter-operable data, not only as a service to citizens but also to public or private actors, by challenging the research methods at the crossing of computer science, artificial intelligence and digital humanities.

Keynote speakers

Mario Santana Quintero (Professor at Carleton University, Ottawa ; Secretary-General of International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) ; Board member of the World Heritage Interpretation and Presentation Centre, UNESCO ; Honorary president of the ICOMOS Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation (CIPA)): talk on Opportunities and Challenges in digitally transforming World Heritage at 50+ years.

Victor de Boer (Associate professor, User-Centric Data Science group at the Computer Science department of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ; Senior research fellow at Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision ; Co-director of the Cultural AI Lab) : talk on Knowledge Graphs for Cultural Heritage and Digital Humanities.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission: 24 July 2023 (AoE)
  • Author acceptance notification: 9 August 2023
  • Camera-Ready: 12 August 2023
  • Workshop: 29 October – 3 November tba

For further details, please visit the event page by clicking the orange button below.

Header Image: (c) Games from Canada