Interreg Danube Region Programme

  • Action type: Second Call for Proposals
  • Opening date: 2 October 2023
  • Closing time: 29 February 2024 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
  • Total budget: € 55 051 855
  • Project duration: 30 months
  • Official website


Projects submitted under the second call should focus on one of the following specific objectives:

  • SO 1.1: Research and innovation
  • SO 1.2: Skills for smart specialisation, industrial transition and entrepreneurship
  • SO 2.1: Renewable energy
  • SO 2.2: Climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention
  • SO 2.3: Access to water and sustainable water management
  • SO 2.4: Protection and preservation of the nature and biodiversity
  • SO 3.1: Labour markets and access to quality employment
  • SO 3.2: Education, training and lifelong learning
  • SO 3.3: Culture and sustainable tourism
  • SO 4.2: Institutional capacities for territorial and macro-regional governance

It comprises 14 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany (Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria), Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine (partly).

Eligible applicants include public authorities, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, research organizations, and other relevant stakeholders from the Danube region. Each project has to involve at least three financing project partners from three different countries of the programme area. 


The EU funding will cover 80% of the total project budget.

Each project has to involve at least three directly financing partners from three different countries of the programme area: the lead partner and at least two Project Partners. At least one partner must be a beneficiary from a Member States of the programme area. While meeting the eligibility requirement, it is to be said that such partnership would have very limited potentials to ensure sufficient level of transnational impact in a project, therefore broader partnerships are expected. In approved DTP projects, the average number of partners is 12-14. 

The maximum number of partners is not set at programme level. The partnership size and composition should be tailored in such a way to correspond to the project activities and achievements of the project results. Therefore, the partnership should ensure thematic and territorial relevance and competence in a coherent and balanced way.

Even though involvement of the non-EU project partners is not an eligibility criterion, the programme strongly supports the involvement of partners coming from non-EU countries of the programme area this being subject to quality assessment. Nonetheless, the projects addressing a specific territory or topic relevant for EU Member States of the programme area can be financed if their quality is high.

Lead partner organisations can be public bodies, bodies governed by public law, private non-profit institutions or international organisations. Private for-profit enterprises cannot be lead partner.

There is no project maximum budget limit set at programme level. The budget should be planned in accordance with the project activities and size of the partnership. The budget depends on the topic, project activities, size of the partnership. Typically, the average budget ranges between 1,5 M to 2/2,5 M EUR.

New project idea for: Interreg Danube Region Programme

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