New European Bauhaus – Innovative solutions for greener and fairer ways of life through arts and culture, architecture and design for all

  • Action type: HORIZON-IA HORIZON Innovation Actions
  • Opening date: 4 October 2023
  • Closing time: 7 February 2024 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
  • Budget per project: € 5 000 000 of total € 16 000 000
  • Estimated number of projects funded: 3
  • Official website


The New European Bauhaus is a creative and transdisciplinary movement in the making:

  • It is a bridge between the world of science and technology, art and culture.
  • It is about leveraging our green and digital challenges to transform our lives for the better.
  • It is an invitation to address complex societal problems together through co-creation. 

Projects should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:

  • Innovative solutions, validated in pilot trials, demonstrating how strategic investments in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus initiative[1] in cultural heritage (which may include cultural landscapes) and the CCIs can be successfully realised.
  • Increase the understanding and visibility of the role that cultural-led innovation integrating the New European Bauhaus approach can play.
  • Wider involvement and social inclusion of citizens in the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage through engagement with local ecosystems.

The New European Bauhaus, as closely connected to cultural heritage and culture, brings a cultural and creative dimension to the European Green Deal. The September 2021 Communication on the New European Bauhaus[2], recognises that artists and cultural and creative professionals are essential actors when it comes to reflecting and conveying values, to transmitting new and symbolic meanings, and to ensuring sustainability and enabling societal transformation.

Proposals should test, demonstrate and refine innovative solutions to achieve strategic investments in cultural heritage and the CCIs in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus initiative and search for links with the ESFRI Research Infrastructures in the Social and Cultural Innovation.[3]. They are expected to bring together researchers, practitioners, managers and entrepreneurs from different cultural and creative industries (e.g. design, fashion, crafts, arts and heritage professionals at large) as well as to engage with the on-the-ground communities. At least 5 small scale-trials under real world conditions should be carried out in a minimum of 3 different Member States/Associated Countries.

Proposals should tackle at least one of the thematic axes of the New European Bauhaus. They should include an ambitious and credible executive plan that:

  • Identifies and analyses the challenges and resources of the targeted spaces in terms of the three core values of the New European Bauhaus.
  • Proposes a set of strategies and methodologies to address the challenges identified, considering the wide variety of actors involved.
  • Foresees the development and implementation of an ambitious, quality co-design process, based on citizens’ and stakeholders’ participation, inter-disciplinary, and multi-level collaboration.

They should highlight the social value of cultural heritage and cultural diversity. The proposed solutions should consider:

  • Use of renewable materials (e.g. nature-based materials produced sustainably) with a circular economy mind-set
  • Role of arts, design and quality architecture, in line with quality principles[4] to leverage the full potential of cultural heritage and cultural landscapes
  • Synergies between crafts and new industrial techniques that can also help revitalising traditional skills
  • Regeneration, life extension (i.e. smart monitoring, conservation and restoration), re-use and transformation of cultural heritage buildings and landscapes[5], while ensuring attentive cultural interpretation of the original buildings and respecting their cultural contents and contexts.

The proposed solutions should be replicable[6] under different cultural, political and societal conditions across Europe. Results should be appropriately documented to serve as guidance for actors in other territories and contexts. Proposals should build on existing knowledge, activities, networks and platforms, notably the ones so far funded by the European Union or under the New European Bauhaus initiative.

Proposals are expected to contribute to the New European Bauhaus initiative by interacting with the New European Bauhaus Community, NEBLab and other relevant actions of the initiative[7] through sharing information, best practice, and, where relevant, results.

To ensure a balanced portfolio covering demonstration activities in diverse geographical areas of the European Union and Associated Countries, grants will be awarded first to the highest ranked application according to the standard procedure described in Horizon Europe General Annexes D and F, followed by other applications that are the highest ranked among those that ensure the most complementary geographical coverage, provided that the applications attain all thresholds. When assessing geographical coverage, the evaluation will take into account the location of the application’s demonstration activities, not the location of the application’s participants/beneficiaries.

In the context of this topic, geographical areas of the European Union and Associated Countries are NUTS level 1 regions of European Union Member States and of Associated Countries for which they are defined. In the case of Associated Countries without NUTS classification, the country as a whole is to be considered as one geographical area:

• List of Associated Countries not defined by NUTS level 1: Armenia; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Faroe Islands; Georgia; Kosovo*; Israel; Moldova; Tunisia; Ukraine.

• List of countries not defined by NUTS level 1 with which association negotiations are being processed or where association is imminent: Morocco.


This destination adopts a people-centred perspective and places cultural heritage and the cultural and creative industries at the very heart of the European economy and its sustainable development. European R&I activities under this destination will support and strengthen European cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries essentially under three areas:

Green: Europe’s cultural heritage and its cultural and creative industries need to share their responsibilities for adapting to the consequences of climate change, and mobilise their resources to support European citizens and societies for an inclusive, socially and culturally sustainable climate transition. A participatory approach to European cultural heritage and digital transformations in the preservation of tangible and intangible heritage will guide new endeavours.

R&I actions will focus on, for example, supporting the cultural and creative industries to turn the challenges of the climate transition into opportunities, and become drivers of an inclusive societal transition. R&I actions will foment the development of new environmentally friendly technologies and methods to manage, restore and preserve cultural heritage, with a view to making Europe a world leader in sustainable management of cultural heritage. R&I will also strengthen our capacity to manage anthropogenic threats. Support to the New European Bauhaus initiative is part of this area, integrating the core New European Bauhaus values of sustainability, inclusion and aesthetics.

Digital: The digital transition promises enormous opportunities for Europe’s cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries, but also serious challenges. It is important to ensure that, through the digitisation, EU citizens benefit from cultural heritage and be enabled to contribute to its enrichment. Digitisation should also provide new training opportunities on creative industries for young citizens in less populated areas.

R&I actions will focus on, for example, innovative approaches to empower the cultural and creative industries, including its many micro enterprises, to reap the benefits of using digital technologies, creating more appealing and valuable products, services and experiences for its users. R&I actions will deepen our knowledge on what, how and why digitised and digital cultural heritage may be exploited, reaping the benefits while avoiding the many pitfalls, and creating societal value. Collaborative platforms for cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries will be supported. A dedicated call, namely HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-ECCCH-01, will support the establishment of a digital European cultural heritage collaborative space, including a cloud platform for European cultural heritage institutions. Such platforms will strengthen the collaboration and co-creation among cultural heritage institutions and with other stakeholders in the cultural heritage domain, widen access for citizens and strengthen research. Please consider below some key characteristics and specific conditions of the call. Also, cooperation between different actors within the cultural and creative industries and between the CCIs and other economic sectors and industries will be strengthened, creating new market opportunities for CCI stakeholders.

Innovative: To an ever greater degree, creative and cultural aspects drive socio-ecological innovation, participatory democratic processes and economic growth. Successful new digital and physical products and services need to be appealing and attractive, adapted to cultural particularities. Similarly, societal transformations such as the green and digital transitions depend on behavioural changes, which are largely based on changes in lifestyle, culture and perceptions. In such processes, the human is at the centre, and cultural heritage, the arts and the cultural and creative industries are key.

R&I actions will cover a variety of subjects, such as strengthening the innovation capacity of the cultural and creative industries, and their capability to act as innovation engines. Actions will focus both on cultural heritage and cultural and creative industries holistically, as an innovation ecosystem, and on specific CCI sectors such as music, filmmaking and video games. Actions will also foment innovation in cultural tourism, as well as explore innovative connections between cultural expressions and democracy and politics. Actions will also support the development of new innovative technologies and methods to restore, preserve and manage cultural heritage, as well as re-inforce the role of Europe’s cultural heritage in promoting European values among EU citizens and abroad.

The innovation ecosystems created and nurtured by the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), in particular the KIC “EIT Culture and Creativity”, may contribute to innovation actions under this destination, and should as appropriate be considered.

In line with the Commission priorities, R&I actions under this Destination will help promote the European way of life, contribute to achieving the Green Deal goals and support an economy that works for people. They will contribute to the New European Bauhaus[[ The New European Bauhaus initiative was launched by European Commission President von der Leyen in her State of the European Union speech autumn 2020. More information here:]] initiative, to reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals and to building a stronger, more participatory and crisis-resilient society and economy. They will support the realisation of the full potential of cultural heritage, arts and cultural and creative industries as drivers of sustainable innovation and a European sense of belonging.

The topics under the call HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-ECCCH-01 aim at supporting the establishment of a digital European cultural heritage collaborative space, including a cloud platform, and contribute to the vision and objectives of the Commission[[ Recommendation (EU) 2021/1970 of 10 Nov 2021 on a common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage.]]. For the purpose of this call, the collaborative space will be referred to as the “European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage” (ECCCH).


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