Synergy with national and regional initiatives in Europe (CSA)(HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-34)

  • Action type: HORIZON-CSA HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
  • Opening date: 15 November 2023
  • Closing time: 19 March 2024 17:00 (Europe/Brussels)
  • Budget per project: € 3 000 000 of total € 3 000 000
  • Estimated number of projects funded: 1
  • Official website


Projects are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Well-coordinated European, national and regional initiatives in the field of graphene and two-dimensional materials (2DM);
  • Further development of a strong European innovation ecosystem in 2DM-based technologies.

Proposals should support the coordination between relevant national and regional public authorities funding research and innovation in 2DM-based technologies. This coordination should allow them to work synergistically with the goal to strengthen and complement the EU funded activities in the domain.

Coordination and support activities should address all of the following:

  • Active networking of relevant initiatives and R&I communities.
  • Active follow-up of the projects funded under FLAG-ERA[1].
  • Maintaining an inventory of funding and scientific landscapes in the domain of 2D materials in Europe, for both basic and applied research.
  • Analysing gaps and overlaps and contributing to topics that could be included in national/regional research agendas in the field.
  • Supporting the national and regional actors to organise joint calls for proposals between their respective programmes and initiatives for supporting in Europe the further development of a strong innovation ecosystem in Graphene.

Projects should build on or seek collaboration with existing projects and develop synergies with other relevant European, national or regional initiatives, funding programmes and platforms.


Digital and emerging technologies for competitiveness and fit for the Green Deal (2023/24)

This destination will directly support the following Key Strategic Orientations (KSOs), as outlined in the Strategic Plan:

  • KSO A, ‘Promoting an open strategic autonomy by leading the development of key digital, enabling and emerging technologies, sectors and value chains to accelerate and steer the digital and green transitions through human-centred technologies and innovations.’
  • KSO C, ‘Making Europe the first digitally led circular, climate-neutral and sustainable economy through the transformation of its mobility, energy, construction and production systems

Proposals for topics under this Destination should set out a credible pathway to contributing to the following expected impact:

  • Open strategic autonomy in digital technologies and in future emerging enabling technologies, by strengthening European capacities in key parts of digital and future supply chains, allowing agile responses to urgent needs, and by investing in early discovery and industrial uptake of new technologies.

New project idea for: Synergy with national and regional initiatives in Europe (CSA)(HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-34)

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