Horizon Europe Info Day: ERA & Widening

This Horizon Europe Info day will concentrate on the Horizon Europe part for Widening participation and strengthening the ERA (European Research Area). Presentations will explain the main conditions of the calls and will especially concentrate on various novelties, also on new actions. Enough time will be dedicated to Q&As, so that as many issues as possible could be clarified.

Background – policy and strategy

Widening Participation and Spreading Excellence actions under Horizon Europe contribute to building research and innovation capacity for countries lagging behind.

They will strengthen their potential for successful participation in transnational research and innovation processes, promote networking and access to excellence.

Participants in the programme will be able to upgrade their research and innovation systems, making them stronger and allowing the EU as a whole to advance together, in line with the policy objectives of the European Research Area (ERA). 

Areas of intervention

Teaming: Support/create centres of excellences as role models to stimulate excellence, new investments and reforms of national research and innovation systems.

Twinning: Develop excellence in chosen research and innovation domain, increase visibility of the research institutions and universities, and upskill its staff.

ERA Chairs, to support universities or research organisations from eligible countries to attract and maintain high quality human resources and help excellent scientists and their teams to become game changers in their field.

European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST),cross-border scientific network helping excellent researchers and innovators get access to the European and international networks.

Agenda of the Info Day

9:30 – 10:30 General Introduction to ERA-W: in this general part to the Info Day an overhaul presentation of this new Work Programme will be delivered. It will also touch upon certain novelties in the evaluation process of applications.

10:45 – 13:00 Widening Participation – Session 1: in this sub-session the main attention will be put to calls and actions under Widening participation part (mainly to Teaming, Twinning, ERA chairs and COST actions).

10:45 – 13:00 Strengthening the European Research Area – Session 1: in this sub-session the main attention will be dedicated to calls and actions relevant to the implementation of the European Research Area (under destination 3 of this Work Programme part, mainly on universities and researchers, gender, ethics).


14:00 – 18:00 Strengthening the European Research Area – Session 2: in this sub-session the main attention will be dedicated to calls and actions relevant to the implementation of the European Research Area (under destination 3 of this Work Programme part, mainly on open science, citizens science, science education, international aspects, dissemination &valorization, programme level cooperation, macro-economic modeling)

14:30 – 18:00 Widening Participation – Session 2: in this sub-session the main attention will be put to calls and actions under Widening participation part (mainly to Excellence hubs, ERA fellowships, NCP network and service package, ‘Hop on’ measure).


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