Digitising the Middle Ages

II IRCVM International Conference: Digitising the Middle Ages

Date: 5-7 October 2022
Venue: Institute for Research on Medieval Cultures of the Universitat de Barcelona
Registration: Please register before 4 October here.

Conference description

The use of digital tools has become an essential part of research: databases, digitisation work, historic maps with georeferencing systems applied (GIS) and the virtual recreation of different spaces are just some of the examples of a truly wide range of possibilities. These kinds of digital tools have exponentially expanded the possibilities for research and how we share the work we do. Now, from a humanistic perspective, it is time for us to reflect epistemologically on these advances.

The purpose of the II IRCVM International Conference: Digitising the Middle Ages is to create a space for discussing these opportunities as well as the risks and challenges we face when we apply digital humanities to medieval studies. Working to perfect the technological tools we use to conserve our historic heritage only makes sense if those very same tools can help us to understand the value of this legacy and, at the same time, look critically at our present.

Seeking to establish an interdisciplinary and plural focus, the Conference Committee has organised the conference around different axes: the so-called Spatial Turn, which has reinvigorated interest in territory and landscapes (understood as the physical and dynamic base on which historical events took place; the impact on our research, 3D representations and data mining); and the exploration of opportunities that phenomenona like gaming and social networks offer, from a didactic and divulgatory point of view.

Keynote: Local Time Machine projects

Our Local Time Machine Manager Ilaria Manzini will have the honour to kick-off this conference with a keynote on The Digital Cultural Heritage Panorama Today: A Point of View From the Local Time Machine Projects.