Mediterranean Lifestyle

The Road to Terra Madre

Date: 25-26 June 2022
Venue: ‘Michele Abbate’ Cultural Centre in Caltanissetta (IT)

At the heart of this conference is the Primo Parco mondiale dello Stile di Vita Mediterraneo, a project aiming at the cultural, social and economic revitalization of the territory of central Sicily.

This regional event titled “The Road to Terra Madre” in Caltanissetta is looking to present ideas and best practice projects on the topic of regenerating territories focusing on the replicability of such projects in view of the “First World Park on Mediterranean Lifestyle”.

Our Time Machine Ambassador Salvatore Spina will have the opportunity to introduce the Time Machine initiative in connection with his Local Time Machine project The Borbon Land Registry in Sicily (1845). Study of the section “Riposto” at this event, advocating the potential of the digital for communities to explore and revive history in a participatory manner.

Besides presentations and discussion rounds, the conference programme invites participants to free tastings, taste workshops, discussion forums, educational activities, themed dinners and a Sicilian slow food market.

The programme can be found below (in Italian) as well as a video inviting to participate in “The Road to Terra Madre” and presenting the conference theme.

Background information: The Borbon Land Registry in Sicily (1845). Study of the section “Riposto”

Spina’s project aims to digitise the “Riposto” section of the Cessed Bourbon Land Registry of 1845. The first step of the project is the digital acquisition and indexing of the section’s Sommarione, which will allow, on the one hand, to describe – indicatively – the urban dimension of the Ripostese territory and, on the other hand, through the application of IT tools (machine learning, data mining, etc.), to open up to the prospect of returning the data of the entire island cadastre.

Image credit: Giampaolo Macorig,