Four Local Time Machines under one roof

The Valais-Wallis Time Machine

From the Sion Time Machine to the umbrella Valais-Wallis Time Machine

This Local Time Machine project started out with the founding of the Sion Time Machine and now developed to become the umbrella association Valais-Wallis Time Machine, combining the efforts of four Local Time Machines:

Together, they push the boundaries of science and technology to build a model of historical Valais, Switzerland region’s past.

The Valais-Wallis Time Machine or How to Better Index and Highligh the Valaisan Heritage Using Digital Technologies

In this recently published article, Alain Dubois (Head of State Archives of the canton of Valais and Swiss Time Machine Ambassador) explains the vision of the Valais-Wallis Time Machine:

The use of digital technologies applied to history has seen numerous and significant developments in recent years. It even represents a real revolution for heritage conservation institutions, which now have the opportunity to make the very originals safe-guarded in their funds and collections accessible in their original form.

Applying digital technologies to this end, Time Machine is the most ambitious and advanced initiative to date to explore this Big Data of the Past. By radically changing the way we experience European history and culture, Time Machine as international collaboration between universities, research institutes and heritage conservation institutions aims to create a broad and dynamic representation of European history over several thousand years.

The Valais-Wallis Time Machine project is part of this wake. It aims to explore the territory of the canton of Valais over time, by reconstructing it in digital form based on the rich archaeological, historical and cultural heritage which has been passed on to us by successive generations. The objective, in the end, is twofold: To better study and better visualize the Valais heritage and to promote its appropriation by a large audience wishing to learn more about the history of the region in which they live or visit.

Further information

To learn more about the Valais-Wallis Time Machine, please visit their website.