Chief Communications Officer

Kerstin Muff

Mag. Kerstin Muff was born in the Dominican Republic, lived in South and North America but grew up in Germany where she studied Theatre, Film and Media at the University of Leipzig and Vienna. Already born a globetrotter, her professional and private motto is: The more diverse the better! She joined the ICARUS (International Centre for Archival Research) team in 2012 and has worked as project manager and communication manager for several EU-funded projects: ENArC – European Network on Archival Cooperation, APEx – Archives Portal Europe network of excellence and co:op – community as opportunity. the creative archives’ and users’ network. She has furthermore overseen the publication of the ICARUS magazine “insights” as editor-in-chief.

Kerstin joined the Time Machine CSA project in 2019 co-leading WP 7 “Dissemination and Promotion” and is now Chief Communications Officer at the Time Machine Organisation.

Executive board

Sander Münster

Project Scouting Service Lead Strategist and Secretary TMO
