Dr. Thomas Aigner MAS is a studied historian and archivist. He has assumed senior management positions related to Cultural Heritage and Digitisation: president of ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research (2008-2023), now Secretary General, and a major driving force behind its international activities, including cross-border and EU-funded projects supporting digitisation activities and open-access to digital content. Since 2023, independent consultant on all aspects of cultural heritage strategy and digital transformation.
Executive board
Frédéric Kaplan
President TMO
Isabella di Lenardo
Local Time Machines
Martina Bolom-Kotari
Deputy Secretary TMO
Robert Sablatnig
Treasurer TMO
Sander Münster
Project Scouting Service Lead Strategist and Secretary TMO
Thomas Aigner
Vice president TMO
Valérie Gouet-Brunet
Deputy Treasurer TMO
Ágnes Telek
Social Media Officer
Antonia Bobik
Communications Officer
Caroline Maximoff
Administration Officer / Communications Officer
Daniel Jeller
Chief Technical Officer
Juha Henriksson
Requests for Comments (RFC) Editor
Kerstin Muff
Chief Communications Officer
Kevin Baumer
Programme Manager