Dr. Sander Münster is junior professor for Digital Humanities (images/objects) at the Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena (DE). He received his PhD in educational technology from the Technische Universität Dresden (DE), where he studied history, education and business. Until 2019 he headed the Department for Media Design at the Media Center at the TU Dresden and the junior research group UrbanHistory4D and has been a Young Investigator at the Faculty of Education at the TU Dresden.
His research fields are mobile 3D interfaces, scientometrics and research methodologies in Digital Humanities and heritage. He has worked extensively in the areas of research dissemination and innovation support. The related positions he has held include: co-convenor of the workgroup for Digital Reconstruction of the German Association for Digital Heritage, spokesman of the German network on “3D reconstruction methods for architectural history” and head of the workgroup “Partnering with international organisations” in the Virtual Multimodal Museum EU network.
Since the beginning of 2024 he is an elected member of the CIPA Heritage Documentation executive board, co-chairing the Permanent Commission “Application of Recording, Documentation, and Information Management for Cultural Heritage”.
He furthermore is the strategical lead of the Time Machine Project Scouting Service.