Following the ban of physical meetings due to COVID-19, we had to shift to the digital space and staged the Time Machine Conference 2020 virtually:
Some of our Time Machine Organisation (TMO) members took up the opportunity to present themselves and their latest achievements during the TMO General Assembly on 23 November 2020 (10:00 -12:00 a.m.):
23.11.2020 14:00 – 16:00 CET TM2020 SESSION ONE
Time Machine Agenda – Tools and Development
presented by TMO President Frédéric Kaplan & TMO Chief Technical Officer Daniel Jeller
– Introduction
– Presentation of platform and tools
– Workshop with concrete hands-on activities and user interaction
Content: following our latest TMO webinar, the first thematic session of the Time Machine Conference 2020 will again shed light on the development strategy for different software components on the way to establishing the Time Machine technical infrastructure.
Using the collaborative working principle based on “Requests For Comments” (RFCs) the team intends to tackle the different tasks in close cooperation with the Time Machine Network! So be again warmly invited to stand up and join our team of developers, RFC-writers, -editors and -reviewers eager to drive forward the Time Machine infrastructure and directing it into the right paths.
24.11.2020 10:00 – 12:00 CET TM2020 SESSION TWO
Local Time Machines – Services & Platform
presented by TMO Vice President Julia Noordegraaf and TMO Local Time Machine Officer Isabella di Lenardo
– Introduction
– Presentation of the new Local Time Machine- related tools
– Lightning talks of project leaders
– Q&A Session and workshop
Content: in TMO’s first Webinar at the beginning of October we were introducing the new concept behind the “Local Time Machines” – being a summary of all data referring to a specific geographic location brought together by a multitude of different projects of our Time Machine Community.
Since the first webinar the team has been working tirelessly on new features for the presentation and upload of Time Machine related projects on our website. At the Conference we will be able to showcase the results of these efforts! So make sure to tune in and also feel free to share your thoughts, opinions, expectations etc. in connection to our Local Time Machine programme with us:
24.11.2020 14:00 – 16:00 CET TM2020 SESSION THREE
Project Scouting and Third Party Services
presented by TMO Vice President Thomas Aigner and TMO Project Scouting Team (Lead: Sander Münster; Selda Ulutaş Aydoğan, Oguz Özkan)
– Introduction
– Presentation of Project Scouting Services and Third Party Services
– Success Stories
– Q&A
Content: as already set out in TMO’s second Webinar mid October, the Project Scouting Team’s core activity is monitoring different regional and EU-wide funding schemes as well as cooperation possibilities within already existing or currently forming consortia of cultural heritage institutions. The intention behind that is on the one hand securing financial stability of the TMO and on the other hand support for our members in terms of matchmaking and promotion of funding opportunities, to drive forward the central aim of TMO: the building of a Time Machine!
Additionally, TMO is in position to offer specific services to third parties (e.g. local/ regional/national decision makers and institutions in the cultural heritage sector) based on the vast knowledge and experience of our members in different aspects related to digitisation of cultural heritage. These could take the form of feasibility studies for the use of advanced digitisation and 3/4D modelling technologies, as well as hands-on support in planning and managing large-scale digitisation programmes.