Horizon Europe is the EU’s €95.5 billion research and innovation programme for 2021-2027 and the successor of Horizon 2020. Today’s Horizon Europe work programme is based on Horizon Europe’s Strategic Plan, which was adopted in March 2021 to set the EU’s research and innovation priorities for 2021-2024. Most of the funding is allocated based on competitive calls for proposals, set out in work programmes. New funding opportunities have already opened up since early 2021: in February the Commission launched the first European Research Council calls under Horizon Europe and in March it launched the new European Innovation Council. Furthermore, in April, it quickly mobilised €123 million for research and innovation into coronavirus variants.
Work Programmes 2021/22
The work programmes that have been adopted in mid-June 2021 detail the different funding opportunities under Horizon Europe:

The main work programme focussing on civil applications is divided into three pillars:
Selected Work Programmes of interest for the Time Machine network
TMO’s Project Scouting Service constantly surveys the different funding schemes on regional and EU levels, sharing the data in the section ‘Funding Opportunities and Open Calls’.
Below you can find a list of official documents relating to the selected work programmes:
- Work programme 3 – Research Infrastructures
- Work programme 5 – Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
- Work programme 7 – Digital, Industry and Space
- Work programme 10 – European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE)
- Work programme 11 – Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area
+ General Annexes – covering general topics such as eligibility, submission, financial and operational capacity, award criteria, etc. related to all above-named work programmes.
+ Horizon Europe Programme Guide
+ European Innovation Council (EIC) Work Programme 2021
+ European Research Council (ERC) Work Programme 2021