Successful information and matchmaking event

Digitisation, Cultural Heritage and Smart Tourism Event – a great success!

TMO together with the S3 Pilot Action on Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism (S3 VSCT Pilot) and ERRIN, supported by Thuringia Region and sponsored by the Digital Agency Thuringia, System Alliance Europe and Cretschmar Cargo, organized an information and matchmaking event on EU funding opportunities on 9th of June 2021.

The highly successful event – 500 registered participants from 36 countries – introduced 4 keynote speakers from different departments of the European Commission:

1. Maria Kayamanidou

Deputy Head of Unit, E.4 – Fair Societies and Cultural Heritage, EC Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I) on the Horizon Europe Work Programme and funding calls of relevance for cultural heritage and tourism related actions in Cluster 2 (Culture Creativity and Inclusive Society).


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2. Valentina Pinna

Project Assistant, Unit G.1. Smart and Sustainable Growth, EC Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG-REGIO), on the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) aimed at helping actors involved in Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) to cluster together, scale up and bring innovation to the European market.

3. Grzegorz Ambroziewicz

Deputy Head of Unit E.03 EIC Accelerator, European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency, on the EIC Accelerator and EIC Pathfinder funding and support strategies.


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4. Misa Labarile

Policy Officer, Unit G1 Tourism & Textiles, EC Directorate General Internal Market, Industries, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG-GROW), on COSME, the EU supporting instrument aiming to make it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to access finance in all phases of their lifecycle – creation, expansion, or business transfer. She also introduced the recently finished Guide on EU funding for tourism – make sure to have a look and sift through the various support options across the different EU funding schemes!

Thanks to all our speakers, the participants and the organisational team!