Mgr. Kateřina Zenklová is a archivist at the National Archives in Prague.
She studied Archival Science and Auxiliary Sciences of History at the Charles University of Prague. She is an archivist of the National Archives in Prague, department of Self-Government, Government until 1848 and Church Institutions.
Main topics of her current research are related to municipal administration and municipal books in the Middle Ages, and auxiliary historical sciences (diplomatics, palaeography, sigillography).
Adam Sofronijević, Dr. (Serbia)
Deputy Director at University of Belgrade Library and Docent at the Faculty of Applied Management, Economics and Finance Belgrade
Ágnes Telek (Hungary)
Deputy Director of the Department of Maps, Plans and Photographs, Budapest City Archives (BCA)
Alain Dubois (Switzerland)
Head of State Archives of the canton of Valais
Antonella Ambrosio, Dr. (South Italy)
Associated professor in Palaeography and Diplomatics at the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the University of Naples Federico II
Antonello Migliozzi, Dr. (South Italy)
Researcher in Applied Botany at the University of Napoli “Federico II”
Birgit Kibal (Estonia)
Head of communications and foreign affairs at the National Archives of Estonia
Darius Bujokas (Lithuania)
Senior specialist at The Office of Chief Archivist of Lithuania
Dimitar Iliev, Dr. (Bulgaria)
Department of Classics Faculty of Classical and Modern Languages St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia
Dorit Raines (Italy)
President of the Library System at the Università Ca’ Foscari
Eleni Papalexiou, Dr. (Greece)
Assistant Professor at the Department of Theatre Studies, School of Fine Arts, University of the Peloponnese
Eva Vodochodská (Czech Republic)
Librarian of the Benedictine monastery library in Broumov
Gila Prebor, Dr. (Israel)
Senior lecturer in the Department of Information Science at Bar-Ilan University
Jitka Křečková, Mgr. (Czech Republic)
Head of the 1st department of the National Archives in Prague
Johan Oomen (Netherlands)
Head of Research and Heritage Services at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
John Baker (United Kingdom)
Managing Director at Digirati
Josep Lladós, Dr. (Spain)
Director of the Computer Vision Center and Computer Science professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Juha Henriksson, Dr. (Finland)
Director of Music Archive Finland
Kateřina Zenklová, Mgr. (Czech Republic)
Archivist at the National Archives in Prague
Maayan Zhitomirsky-Geffet, Dr. (Israel)
Information Science Department at the Bar-Ilan University
Marinos Ioannides, Dr. (Cyprus)
Director of UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology
Martina Bolom-Kotari, Mgr. PhD (Czech Republic)
Head of Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies at the Philosophical Faculty, University of Hradec Králové
Meritxell Simó, Dr. (Spain)
Director of the IRCVM (Institute of Research in Medieval Literature)
Mike Kestemont (Belgium)
Research Professor at the University of Antwerp
Paul Buitelaar (Ireland)
Senior Lecturer and vice-director of the Data Science Institute (DSI) at NUI Galway
Peter Bell, Prof. Dr. (Germany)
Professor for Art History and Digital Humanities at the Philipps University Marburg
Robert Sablatnig, Prof. Dr. (Austria)
Profesor for Computer Vision and Head of Institute of Visual Computing & Human Centered Technology at TU Wien
Rosalba Di Meglio (South Italy)
Associated Professor in Medieval History at the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici of the University of Naples Federico II
Salvatore Spina (Italy)
Research Fellow at the University of Catania
Sander Münster, Prof. Dr. phil. (Germany)
Junior professor for Digital Humanities (images/objects) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Thomas Aigner, Dr. (Austria)
Secretary General of ICARUS and independent consultant
Tino Mager (Netherlands)
Post-doc at the Chair of History of Architecture and Urban Planning at Delft University of Technology
Tomasz Parkoła (Poland)
Head of Department at Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
Valérie Gouet-Brunet, Dr. (France)
Research director at IGN and the University Gustave Eiffel
Vlatka Lemić, Dr. (Croatia)
Head of Archival Office at the University of Zagreb
Žarko Vujošević, Dr. (Serbia)
Docent at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade, Chair in History in the Early Middle Ages and Auxiliary Historical Sciences